
Beijing, Singapore Plan More Exchanges

China and Singapore have reiterated their commitment to enhancing ties in a volatile world, agreeing to plan for the next phase of key high-level exchanges, as Singaporean Foreign Minister Vivian Balakrishnan wrapped up a two-day visit to Beijing on Monday.

It was Balakrishnan's first visit to China under Singaporean Prime Minister Lawrence Wong's administration. Wong was sworn in as prime minister of the Southeast Asian country in May.

Cai Qi, a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, and Foreign Minister Wang Yi met separately with Balakrishnan on Monday.

In a bilateral meeting at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in Beijing, Wang called on the two countries to fully utilize dialogue mechanisms at various levels and in multiple areas, tap the potential of the New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor, and reach new heights of cooperation in the digital economy, green development and marine energy.

Faced with a turbulent international situation, China and Singapore, as two forces for stability, need to strengthen strategic coordination and communication, Wang said.

Singapore was one of the first countries to participate in and deeply integrate with China's reform and opening-up process, and the two countries have fostered close cooperation and mutual learning, he said, adding that this has contributed to the modernization and development of both countries.

China is willing to enhance its alignment with Singapore's development strategies, and seeks to implement the newly established partnership envisioned by both leaders, he said.

China and Singapore upgraded bilateral ties to an all-around, high-quality, future-oriented partnership in April 2023.

Singapore is China's fifth-largest trading partner among member states of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, and China has been Singapore's largest trading partner for 11 consecutive years.

In 2023, bilateral trade reached $108.39 billion, according to the Foreign Ministry.

Noting that China and Singapore enjoy mutual visa exemption, Wang urged the two countries to expand people-to-people exchanges, strengthen cooperation on training programs and communication between think tanks, media and youth organizations, and promote local-level exchanges.

Balakrishnan said the upgrading of the relationship last year reflected "the unique, the longstanding and the very close ties between our two countries".

He expressed the hope that the 35th anniversary of diplomatic relations next year will be taken as an opportunity to prepare for more high-level visits and expand cooperation.

Singapore firmly supports China and ASEAN expanding two-way investment, and is ready to work with China to uphold the multilateral trade system centered on the World Trade Organization and to ensure the smooth functioning of global industrial and supply chains.

Both sides agreed to strengthen coordination to ensure positive outcomes at the upcoming Leaders' Meetings on East Asia Cooperation.


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